The American diet today is much different from what it was 100 years ago. Due advancements in food production and influence of hormones and genetics, the quality and nutritional value of foods has changed drastically. According to the USDA, 96% Americans are not reaching the standard requirements of daily micronutrients from food alone.
For that reason, there is a group of supplements that should be taken daily by everyone and are as follows:
1) Daily Multivitamin- A high quality pharmaceutical grade multivitamin provides the optimal amount of vitamins and minerals not achieved through diet alone.
2) Fish-oils (EPA/DHA)- Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oils promote healthy cell composition, decrease inflammation, supports cardiovascular health, helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels, supports brain development and function, balance hormones, and many other benefits.
3) Vitamin D3- helps to maintain calcium balance, boost immunity, helps regulate insulin secretion, and may help decrease the risk of high blood pressure.
4) Probiotic- naturally occurring in the gut, probiotics are necessary to help maintain optimal gut function. Probiotics help improve digestion, boost the immune system, and help decrease symptoms related to IBS, diarrhea, and other digestive related issues.
5) Magnesium- often an overlooked supplement, magnesium is essential for many body functions.
Magnesium helps in vitamin D metabolism, aids in nerve signaling, decreases muscle tension and twitching, and soothes irritability and anxiety.
As with any medication or supplement, it is a good idea to check with a health care professional before starting any supplements.